Parliament okays shs500m service award for retiring AG Muwanga

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Parliament okays shs500m service award for retiring AG Muwanga
Auditor-General John Muwanga

By Moses Namayo

Parliament has resolved to give shs500 million one-off   service award to current Attorney General, John Muwanga as he retired.

On Tuesday, parliament adopted a report of the post-retirement benefits of the Auditor General under section 5 (2) of the National Audit Act 2008 with additional amendment of shs 500m to be extended to the out going Auditor General John Muwanga for his extraordinary distinguished services.

Other benefits awaiting Muwanga include among others monthly retirement benefits equivalent to a sitting Auditor General and a furnished house.

Rule 156 of the Rules of procedure, prescribes the remuneration of the Auditor General to be determined by parliament.

In a plenary session chaired by speaker Anita Annet Among, state minister for Finance and general duties Henry Musasizi moved a motion for parliament to determine the post-retirement benefits of the Auditor General.

" Under section 5(2) of the National Audit Act, the remuneration of the Auditor General shall be determined by parliament, Now therefore I move to request monthly retirement benefits equivalent to the salary of a sitting Auditor General, an annual medical allowance of a sitting Auditor General, a chaffeur driven car , security provided by the state, fuel and vehicle monthly repair allowance and state burial provided by the state,” Musasizi said.

In the same sitting, Nandala Mafabi Budadiri East and Jonathan Odur Erute county amended the resolutions with extra additional award of shs 500M to John Muwanga for serving in office with a clean track record.

" He has worked for a number of years, we can arrive at that lumpsum pay which is due to any public officer paid at once,” Odur said.

Nandala Mafabi said, " We give John Muwanga a retirement as handshake of 50000 currency points equivalent to one billion.”


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